Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just Another Day in NYC

"People of Earth"

I realize it has been a while since I last blogged, but life has been busy. Let me update you on the weeks happenings.
On our first Sunday here, Jan. 10, I along with 5,000 other brave New Yorkers embarked on the 9th annual "No Pants Subway Ride". This event is spearheaded through a New York based group called Improve Everywhere. Their slogan is simple, "To cause scenes of chaos and joy in public places."
This year, to accommodate the large amount of people, we met in 6 different locations throughout the 5 boroughs. We then all rode separate subway lines, eventually all meeting together in Union Square. My group met up at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. We estimated about 400-500 people at this specific location. After debriefing us, the group broke up into 10 different groups. Each group would get on a separate subway car, placing about 50 people per car. At each stop, more and more people would de-pants, then get off at that stop. So at the 1st stop, 2 people would get off, then 4 at the next stop, then 8 at the next stop and so on. When the next subway line came by, it would look as though more and more people with no pants were getting on the subway at each stop. Our final destination in Union Square was the most epic experience of my life. Imagine 5,000 people with no pants in the middle of Manhattan performing human pyramids, playing duck duck goose and dancing in the windows of the 3 story DSW, all while it is 25 degrees out. I will try to find pictures of myself with no pants on, but in the meantime, check out the pictures at Improve Everywhere.

I had a very odd and humorous experience on the No Pants Subway ride. As my stop approached, i prepared mentally to take my pants off in front of numerous people. I figured that it would be best for everyone if I took my pants off standing up. At the time, i didn't realize this, but i was standing right next to the bench, where a middle aged man was sitting. When my stop approached, I pulled my pants down with confidence, and they hadn't even reached my ankles when i felt a tap on my shoulder. At this point, my life paused for what seemed like minutes. I thought to myself, O geez, here we go. As i lifted my head, my pants still at my ankles, the man looked at me and said,
"Excuse me sir, where did you get your side bag?"
I paused and thought to myself, are you serious? My pants are at my ankles and your asking me about my side bag? Nonetheless, i replied, "Macy's, I think."
By this point, i am putting my pants in my bag,
But the man goes on.
"Do you know what brand it is?"
I replied, "McKlein"
The man then thanked me and went about his day saying nothing of my pantless state. I guess New Yorkers are use to seeing absurd things.

After the Union Square party, a group of us went to the Belmont Lounge, coincidentally enough, and reminisced of the days events.

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Semester!

Well, its COOOOOLD here in NYC! We are very excited to meet this new group of students, it's going to be a great semester! We will miss our fall 2009 Belmont Easters, but are anxious to meet the new spring 2010 students on Wednesday.

Stay tuned for lots more blogging and fun NYC adventures!